I need posts, like now

I now face one of the most challenging thing ever for a blogger… creativity. I should have posted an «other» but related post a while ago, but I  did not, why?, because I am lazy. That is the problem, I was too lazy to post, and now I need something to post; so in this post I am not only going to tell you the sad story about my lazyness, but also show how not to be a student in KenCourses.

  • Never miss a class, unless you have to
  • Always use the time in class to work in something related to it
  • Do not do in other classes what you can do in Ken’s Courses
  • Do not be lazy like me
  • Do not do everything at the last minute
  • Do not do empty posts to cheat the course
  • Be creative with what you do
  • Try to ask your classmates if you need help
  • Use twitter more often
  • Ask on #TC101
  • Answer questions on #TC101
  • Try to comment on other people’s blogs to congratulate them or give them feedback
  • Do not play League of Legends on campus
  • Do not Pokemon GO to the polls
  • I am out of ideas
  • This is not the Zen of KenCourses
  • Thou shalt not cheat
  • Post like crazy (things related to the class)
  • Green is not a creative color
  • Keep scrolling

Now let’s be serious, do not be lazy, just try to work harder; Ken’s class is as important as the other ones, just try to make an effort.

Now go and code some stuff.



«Real hacking is not fun»

So I wanted to make an «other» but related post as the holy rubric states. I do not know if any of you wonder why hacking is depicted like an almost magic task in TV shows or movies; and the reason is that real hacking is not fun to watch, or at least that is what I have heard from a lot of people in the industry. But last year, a show called «Mr. Robot» was released on Amazon, and I have to say it truly achieved to make real hacking an entertaining task. So in my non-Mastery topic post but related to programming I wanted to give «Mr. Robot» a try. It has currently finished its second season (have not watched it) and is really worth your time.

Also a link describing more what I just said: https://www.engadget.com/2015/08/29/the-many-surprisingly-realistic-hacks-of-mr-robot/


I think I do not get modules

I need to import them so I can do some stuff that python alone cannot do. They seem like a cool thing to have around, but there are so many of them that I do not even now which one to use; I have to be mainstream and use the math one. I mean, in javascript I did not even know I was using modules, and now I have to specify which one I am using. I know how to import them and all that stuff, but I think I need to get my favorites, or else I will not like any of them; did that make sense? I think not, but you get me. I am a desperate student who is pressured by the exams. Anyway, here is my code:modulesI just printed system32. And I am very happy.

A radius function

So I wanted to create a simple function, and I needed to do a math homework; so as the great millenial that I am, I solved my problems by doing two tasks at once:

Behold my sphere function!

funcionI am really proud of my work, the only problem that I had was with converting the input to integers.

Ignore the comment at the beginning, I wast just testing if I knew how to use functions.

Post = {Basic types: same but different}

Well, we need to learn the basic types beacuse python. So I am going to explain them the easy way, as always; in python there are these things called variables, that have no personality whatsoever; thus, they need you to define them by assigning them values. In python there are three kinds of values:

Numbers: which are integers (1), floats (1.0), and complex (1j). These are super simple.

Strings: They are words. «Words»

Lists: They can be a list of both strings and numbers.

Tuple: They are basically lists that cannot be modified.

Dictionaty: They consist of a key and a value; it is weird to explain.

And to show you that I have practiced them:


But I need to give credit to the page that actually showed me those basic types (that happens to be the second entry in the google search):

Link: https://www.tutorialspoint.com//python3/python_variable_types.htm



How to while while iffing while elsing while inputing while printing

I mean, I could do the whiles and the ifs/elses/elifs in separated posts, but since I did a very easy code, I decided to just post everything at once (because, if you have not noticed, I am a little bit lazy)

while-ifAs you can see, my loop is one of the most basic ones you could ever imagine; what I tried to depict in this code was that more than 5 is too much.

Lynda.com helped me to understand the basics, later I’ll try to do more complicated codes in the next few weeks.


Insanely Nasty Programming Utterly Trascendental

I just clickbaited you. Srry bruh. Or sys. Or trans non binary folk. I am not assuming your gender.

Here is my input: InmanI really do not have creativity right now, but you can crearly see how to put an input.

So now I have nothing more to show you; so I am going to review the new Purge movie:

It is not good; it is hilarious, but as a movie is pretty bad, like a B movie level of stuff.

You are still reading? Well you crearly wasted 30 seconds of your life… input is not that hard, it is harder to install python than creating an input, come on pal.


Python comment etiquette

Want to know how to comment? Like really? I did not even know to use python two weeks ago and I knew how to comment. Use a # if you just want to comment one line, and three of these  » guys (or girls, no one knows )  if you want to use more than one line. Easy as that.Comment

Comments are easy to use, but the consecuences of commenting can be dangerous. Peope on the internet are very agressive when it comes to the comment section. So you need to know the next things (the list can be expanded):

  • You can be attacked very agressively if you comment an unpopular opinion
  • You can be banned on certain sites if you have a different opinion
  • You will be seen as an idiot if you have an unpopular opinion
  • You will offend everyone if you have an unpopular opinion (specially if you are a white dude living in a first world country)
  • You cannot give your opinion if its different from the popular belief
  • Criticism is the same thing as harasment
  • You only have freedom of speech if you agree with the popular opinion

If you follow these rules, you are now experiencing the marvels of the internet comment section. Congratulations! If you want to learn more about these rules, just read the new Ghosbusters trailer’s comment section.

Dr. Hello World or how I stop worrying and love python

So I was supposed to upload this blog like a week ago, but I am what some people call a lazy person. So I did my code as a good student:Hi world

What I found myself asking is why in the programming languages I have learned (which are two, if you are wondering) the first thing you do is learn how to print «Hello World». So I did a little bit of research (I say a little bit because I only checked the first two results from Google); and I found that «Hello World» is used as the most basic task to test if a language works correctly. It is believed that the original text was «Hi» but was changed to «Hello World» because it has a bigger number of characters. It was interesting to learn something about the history of programming.

I consulted this website, if you want to read more about the topic:


And now you are wondering why I chose that jazzy title; it is because I love cinema and I cannot avoid making references to movies.